New product testers wanted

PERCY 1.1 – Interactive Cat Tester Wanted

Percy 1.1 is an interactive, lifelike companion cat designed to offer comfort through purring, meowing, and a simulated heartbeat that responds to sensor feedback. It can also be customized with a voice and name. Percy is specifically designed to support elderly individuals, particularly those with Alzheimer's disease. We are offering 4 testing slots for this product.

Free Test Sample Benefits

  1. Receive one Percy 1.1 cat for free 
  2. Plus, opportunities for future product testing.

How to Participate

  1. Requirements: Testers must be US residents with elderly familymembers.
  2. Email with "Percy 1.1" in the subject line.
  3. Include a brief introduction of your situation and your shipping address.
  4. Poppy will review your application and send testing instructions.
  5. Upon confirmation, the test sample will be shipped.
  6. Duration: 2 weeks,Submit feedback after the 2-week trial period.

Thank you for your participation and feedback!

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